The Joy of Making Your Own Comic Strips

I’ve been playing around with pictures for a while now. I produce my own art for my tabletop games and for my book collages and videos.

Yesterday I got a new iPad app for making comic strips, Comic TycoonHD. I’ve been drawing comics for years, primarily making fun of my work place and the co
mplicated language we use in our translations. With this app, I’ll have the chance to produce strips that don’t rely on my dubious art skills and jittery handwriting.

Overall, I’m very happy with it. The downside so far has been that the app shuts down at random times, making constant saving a necessity. Redoing panels over and over gets annoying. Still, the results are promising.

In future, I’ll use my own photos. But for now, stock photos will do. For your
amusement, I have posted two of my non-work examples.


Comic strip


Comic strip

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