
A second post so soon after the first? Wha-at?

I just wanted to share a random observation with you. About microgames. Until a few months ago, I’d never heard of microgames, even though I’ve been active on Kickstarter for a while. But recently, there have been a boatload of them. All backed by yours truly.

Basically, microgames are what they promise to be. Complete games, usually instructions and cards and possibly chits (although frequently you have to provide meeples and dice yourself). Supplied in a tuckbox usually reserved for decks of cards.

Some provide novel gameplay, some manage to compress hours of fun into twenty minutes, and loads of game pieces into a few.

I know The Gamecrafter (a self-publishing games website/service/community) had a microgame contest or something, but still I’m a little perplexed as to where they come from. Or have they always been around?

Anyway, my point: check them out. They’re an inexpensive way to try out different games, to take boxed fun with you on vacation, or even to try out small versions of bigger games before buying.

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