My top five urban fantasy writers

I hate lists. Okay, I love lists. Hate them because I keep adding items or change my mind, and love them because they bring some cohesion to my fan-girl rants, especially when it comes to recommending authors.

But first, my history as a reader.

As a kid, I read all sorts. But as I got older, there weren’t many books that caught my interest. I was too old for the fantasy books of my youth, and the only thing I could stomach were crime books, typically “soft” crime like Agatha Christie or Martha Grimes.

It wasn’t until the advent of Harry Potter that I rediscovered the joy of reading. I joined at the second book, and soon had my entire workplace, let alone family hooked. Well, the women anyway. Thinking about it, Ms Rowling owes me a hell of a commission. Suddenly I remembered why I used to love books. So I read children’s fantasy books.

And then something marvellous happened. I discovered there were fantasy books for adults. But with the job and everything, wading through six hundred plus pages took commitment. Besides, most were a bit dry.

Finally, I discovered Kim Harrison. Her The Hollows series knocked me for six. She’s therefore number one in my list.

Then I discovered Keri Arthur and Laurell K. Hamilton. The latter was really good, but after a while, the sex took over and the plot became thin, at which point I lost interest. Keri Arthur is an author I read regularly, but she, too, missed out on a spot in my top five.

To make a lo-ong story short, I found Jim Butcher (number 2), Patricia Briggs (no. 3), Jennifer Rardin (number 4) and most recently, Darynda Jones. With Darynda Jones, here was finally someone who wrote the way I myself tried to write. Quite a revelation, and I’ve been a fan since her first book. I even named one of the characters in my book after her, but since she’s a rather nasty character (the one in my book, not the author), I changed the spelling to Derinda.

There are many more excellent urban fantasy writers out there. Amanda Bonilla, for example, who hasn’t yet received the recognition she deserves. Who knows? A couple of more books, and she’ll be in my top five. Another near miss was Mary Buckham, an excellent teacher AND an excellent writer, as I only recently discovered.

Anyway, to recap. My top five, in no particular order, are:

1) Kim Harrison

2) Jim Butcher

3) Patricia Briggs

4) Jennifer Rardin

5) Darynda Jones.


  1. Pam Palmer
    May 9, 2014

    Sent from my iPad


  2. saracroethle
    June 9, 2014

    Kim is number one on my list too. Laurell gets to stay up there for me though. I agree on the sex taking over. I’m not a big fan of the Anita Blake books past book 8….but I loved those first 8 so darn much that she will forever remain in my top 5.

  3. Carmen Fox
    June 9, 2014

    You’re right. Her early work is so very, very good. I’ll be expanding my list soon, so if you have any other faves I might have overlooked, let me know. 🙂


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