THE WRITE PATH with Holly Hunt

THe Write Path

Holly Hunt

In this series, my guests talk to me about their books. Today I welcome author Holly Hunt, who will be discussing Tyrant or Tarsit with me.

So let me hand over my mic. The next voice you’ll hear will be Holly’s.

1. What is your book about?

Holly Hunt

Tyrant of Tarsit is a story wherein a woman – a regular, everyday woman – is dragged into a plot involving the invasion of a kingdom, the suppression of magic and the chaos of treason. Mayhem and a 200-year romance feature heavily in this short novella. There’s something for everyone.

2. What do you think attracts readers to your main characters?

I like to think that readers like my characters because they can see a little bit of themselves in them. From the dark and brooding hero to the woman not afraid to give everything a go, to the people who make up the worlds of all my stories. Everyone gets a chance to be a someone.

3. What message do you hope the reader takes away from your book?

I have only ever set out to write one story with a message, and that doorstop of a book was so twisted no one else could understand it! Tarsit has, I believe, two things that can be taken away from it. The first is that you should treat every setback as an opportunity. The other is that some people are never as black-and-white as they seem. In both cases, it will take a little bit of examination to see the truth of the matter.

4. What do you think was it about your book that made it so easy to convince your editor to publish it?

The cute romance between Lauren and Malcolm, the Spy’s bitter betrayal, the action… I think they have a lot to do with it. Juicy, ey?

5. Comparing the ideas you had before writing the book with the finished product, would you change anything if you could travel back in time?

I think I would have made the book longer, and taken the time to properly explain its place in the universe first introduced in Scale & Feather (even though Tarsit mainly takes place about 600 years before Feather – There are more stories from that universe coming, when I get back to it, I promise!) Tarsit and Arnhid are the first of the Southern States, which isn’t really explained in the novella.

Thanks for having me!

twitter: @hollyhuntauthor

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